Check out the Minons of Ka created by Dave Wilbur, Mike Furno, and Mike Ahearn. Gay name ;), but cool story and trailer. Check it out. Narration by Danny Aiello.
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I saw Danny in a buffet line in Atlantic City once. You'd think the experience made Danny look like he was "keeping it real" and staying "close to his roots", but ironically the opposite effect happened. People were pointing and going "what happened to him?" and "See? Show business!". I picked up a trash can nearby and threw it at him like Spike Lee did in Do The Right Thing, which I thought was pretty funny and that Danny would smile and say something like "Oh, you guys." But instead he got all huffy and screamed for security just because some discarded, used ketchup packets got onto his eggs. Yeah, your'e keeping it real, Danny, real GAY!
1 comment:
I saw Danny in a buffet line in Atlantic City once. You'd think the experience made Danny look like he was "keeping it real" and staying "close to his roots", but ironically the opposite effect happened. People were pointing and going "what happened to him?" and "See? Show business!". I picked up a trash can nearby and threw it at him like Spike Lee did in Do The Right Thing, which I thought was pretty funny and that Danny would smile and say something like "Oh, you guys." But instead he got all huffy and screamed for security just because some discarded, used ketchup packets got onto his eggs. Yeah, your'e keeping it real, Danny, real GAY!
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