Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beware of the Blob!

Global warming can be a bit of a problem; weird changes in the weather, ocean levels rising, more exposure to skin cancer. There is one problem the government neglected to warn us about. That's the return of the blob! With the polar ice caps melting, the blob is sure to thaw out. If you remember, in 1958 Steve McQueen had it stored up there to keep us safe because it can't survive in the cold weather. At the end of the movie people were happy that they were safe. Then Steve McQueen looked into the camera and said as if this were a foreshadowing of the future, "If the Arctic stays frozen." Shit! He knew! Steve McQueen knew back then in 1958! Why hasn't the government warned us!?
Let's say the ice has shattered before it thawed! That means more blobs!
I know there was a campy sequel done in 1972 and a remake in 1988. They were fun, but obviously fiction. We can't count those movies.
I called my friend Josh and warned him of this problem. We figured the best way to get the word out there is to write a screenplay about this in hopes that someone will turn it into a movie and warn the rest of the world. We're meeting tonight to start working on this project. I will keep you all updated as to the progress. In the meantime, enjoy some grapes. Sometimes I forget about them. It's weird. Oh well. Stay tuned.


Katie said...

umm, you are supposed to be working on my script! I don't like sharing!

Anonymous said...

Gee, smart to put your "hush-hush" global warming plot up on a public blog site. I told you the only way it will work: Have The Thing thaw out in Antarctica, The Blob thaws at the North Pole, they meet at the equator for a death battle, Predator shows up at the end and eats them both.

Happy, Bitch?